HolyCoast: The War on Imus
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Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The War on Imus

Don't let anyone tell you there's still free speech in this country, because there really isn't. Speech is free as long as it's politically correct, but venture outside those constantly shifting lines and everything you have is at stake. Just ask Don Imus.

Imus said a dumb thing on his radio show and offended some people. He then compounded the error by launching an apology tour, and you'd think after watching Mel Gibson, Michael Richards, Trent Lott or George Allen go through similar circumstances, that Imus would have at least one advisor able to tell him to just shut up and lay low. He should have made one apology and then refused any further comment to anyone. Had he done that, his critics could have continued to rail, but the story would have lost oxygen and would have suffocated quickly. Going on Al Sharpton's show to swear allegiance to the Great Racial Confessor was just plain dumb. When did Al "White Interlopers" Sharpton become the official person of color to whom dumb white guys are supposed to go for absolution? What right does he have to demand such apologies?

Now Imus will probably lose everything he's worked for. Sponsors, afraid of backlash from various racial extortion organizations, are pulling out of the show. Opportunistic politicians like Barack Obama are calling for him to be fired. Others like Hillary Clinton won't go that far, but insist that she never like his show and wouldn't go on it. The FCC is going to investigate him. The first amendment apparently means nothing - except to Rosie O'Donnell who has certainly made her share of controversial remarks, but is actually pretty much right on the money on this issue.

Imus will not be the last guy to say something done in the heat of the moment while trying to be funny. Just a note to the next guy - sincerely apologize and then shut up. If you do that, you won't keep feeding the beast that's trying to eat you.

UPDATE: MSNBC cancels the simulcast of Imus' radio show. It's just a matter of time before the whole network collapses. All over a few words...

And don't you think the activists are going to examine how this all came about to see how the same process can be used against other broadcasters they don't like?

UPDATE 2: In the Agora notes that the word "Nappy" is not always racist, at least when used at a rally featuring Barack Obama:
Obama made a pitch for Democrats running for local government and for Congress at a rally that drew a few thousand party faithful to a minor league baseball stadium in downtown Louisville.
Before Obama's speech, the crowd was warmed up by a performance by Nappy Roots, a popular hip-hop group.

Apparently "Nappy" is in the eye of the beholder.

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