HolyCoast: Will George Washington University Be Next?
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Sunday, April 22, 2007

Will George Washington University Be Next?

I just watched a taped replay of an interview on Fox News Sunday with Georgetown University President Stephen Trachtenberg. The subject of guns on campus came up, and Trachtenberg stated that they did not allow guns on campus, nor did their security forces have guns. I'm not sure it was wise to advertise that fact.

He seemed fine with the idea that they could rely on the local police department plus various federal agencies that are close by, but in a shooting like you had at Virginia Tech, time is of the essense and waiting for outside help is an invitation for more body bags.

Many years ago I spent a few nights in a dorm at Georgetown University, not far from the GW campus. Although it is a decent looking area, we were warned to be careful about going out on our own. One night the choir I was traveling with was performing in a nearby church. While setting up for the concert several of us went to a Kentucky Fried Chicken store next door to grab a Coke, and it was there that we realized we weren't in Orange County anymore. The fast food store had floor to ceiling bulletproof glass with little turntables that were used to give the money and receive the food. It looked like many modern bank branches (and this was in 1976).

I guarantee you there are plenty of guns either on the campus at GW or within it, given the urban neighborhood in which it is located. If somebody wants to have a go at a copycat crime, there's not much there to stop him.

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