HolyCoast: Abstinence Works Every Time It's Tried
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Friday, May 04, 2007

Abstinence Works Every Time It's Tried

Here's an interesting poll on the issue of abstinence education (h/t Gateway Pundit):
The National Abstinence Education Association (NAEA) today released a new survey from Zogby International showing that when parents become aware of what abstinence education vs. comprehensive sex education actually teaches, support for abstinence programs jumps from 40% to 60%, while support for comprehensive programs drops from 50% to 30%. This sharp increase in support of abstinence education is seen across all political and economic groups. As federal and state lawmakers debate funding for sex education in public schools, this new survey offers a compelling look into what parents want for their children.
Obviously, the folks from the NAEA have their axe to grind, so without seeing the questions and internals of the poll it's hard to know just what the respondents were responding too. Still, the numbers are eye-opening.

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