HolyCoast: Amnesty Rides Again
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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Amnesty Rides Again

All you need to know about it is the sponsor's name: McCain-Kennedy. Nothing good can come from that.

Although there are many promises about enforcement, penalties and time lines, the "immigration reform" bill sure looks like another amnesty program. Rich Lowry is not impressed:
This is the key thing to understand about the immigration deal—the amnesty effectively happens no matter what. As soon as the bill is signed into law illegal immigrants get probationary legal status. Before any of the enforcement happens. So the ordering is exactly the same as 1986—amnesty first, enforcement later. Maybe you trust the Bush administration and Chertoff to follow through on the enforcement (although the chances are that you don't). But will you trust the Democratic administration we will probably have in two years and its secretary of homeland security? This has disaster written all over it.
They need to shut the border first, and then worry about the rest of this bill, but that isn't going to happen. The traffic down south will be picking up.

UPDATE: Fred Thompson agrees. Thompson adds this radio commentary.

UPDATE2: RedState reports that the bill will not be available online until AFTER the Senate votes on it. This is a not good. What don't they want us to see?

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