HolyCoast: Booing Americans Not the Best Way to Win the Immigration Battle
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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Booing Americans Not the Best Way to Win the Immigration Battle

I reported yesterday on the fine citizens of Mexico City who decided to boo and heckle Miss USA during the Miss Universe contest. They were not only rude, but may have severely damaged the chances for the terribly flawed immigration bill to get out of the Senate. Some other bloggers had good comments. Powerline sums it up like this:
For what it's worth, I think this kind of episode has more impact on Americans' attitudes toward other countries than is generally recognized. The fact that millions of Americans witnessed the rudeness in Mexico City will not make matters easier for those who are pushing immigration legislation in Congress.

Instapundit adds this:
"We hate you -- let us in!" is a poor approach.

From Michelle Malkin:
Next, they'll tell us the mob at the Miss Universe pageant was simply "doing the booing Americans won't do."

Will President Bush speak out against the treatment Miss USA received in Mexico? Will any amnesty peddler in Washington? Imagine if Miss Mexico were booed, heckled and subjected to chants of "USA, USA" if the pageant had been held here.

The crowd in Mexico made it a little tougher for the countrymen to escape the corruption and chaos of Mexico for the promised land north of the border. For those of us who disapprove of the immigration bill, we appreciate the assistance from the lowlifes in Mexico City.

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