HolyCoast: Concealed Weapon Helps Stop Killer Bank Robber
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Friday, May 18, 2007

Concealed Weapon Helps Stop Killer Bank Robber

Here's a little more "ammunition", so to speak, against those who are panicked at the thought of good citizens carrying concealed weapons. (h/t Instapundit):
Law officers have praised a bank customer who pulled his gun and helped deputies capture a gunman who opened fire during a robbery of a Wachovia branch, killing two tellers and wounding two.

Chris Chappell, who was in the bank Monday morning getting $40 in change on the way to his job in Adger, fled the bank when gunshots rang out, drew a gun for which he has a concealed weapon permit, took cover by his sport utility vehicle and alerted deputies who came up.

The gunman, cornered by Chappell and the deputies when he tried to flee the bank with a hostage, stumbled and was shot by Deputy Alan Rhea.

"It's certainly commendable," Jefferson County Sheriff's Sgt. Randy Christian said. "It's obvious he played a key role in keeping the guy there until we could get there. It's a great testament of someone willing to take action."

"He kept him from escaping, and he gave deputies time to get to the scene," Bill Veitch, chief assistant district attorney, told The Birmingham News in its moment-by-moment account of the robbery and arrest.

Nice work, Mr. Chappell. And nice work State of Alabama for allowing its citizens who meet the requirements to get permits for weapons.

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