HolyCoast: Follow the Stench
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Follow the Stench

German cops trying to keep peace the upcoming G8 meeting are using protester's own stench against them:
German authorities are using scent tracking to keep tabs on possibly violent protesters against next month's Group of Eight summit - a tactic that is drawing comparisons with the methods of former East Germany's secret police.

Scent samples have been taken from an undisclosed number of people believed to be a possible danger to the upcoming summit so that police dogs can pick out the perpetrators if there is violence, the Hamburger Morgenpost reported Tuesday.

Andreas Christeleit, a spokesman for federal prosecutors, confirmed the report but would give no further details.

"This has happened to several suspects," he said.

The use of scent samples was widely known to be practiced in Germany by the East German secret police, the Stasi, who used the technique to track dissidents.
Don't they all smell like beer and sauerkraut over there? That's got to be tough on the dogs.

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