HolyCoast: Immigration Will Kill McCain's Campaign
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Immigration Will Kill McCain's Campaign

John McCain seems intent on self-destruction over the issue of immigration. I believe that his support for the bill which he helped draft, and his somewhat unstable response to critics, will further drive his numbers down until he's polling in Ron Paul country.

In typical McCain fashion, he's now lashing out at critics who dare question his judgment on immigration:
Republican John McCain accused presidential rival Mitt Romney of flip-flopping on immigration Monday and said with sarcasm: "Maybe his solution will be to get out his small varmint gun and drive those Guatemalans off his lawn."

McCain also said he was disappointed in potential candidate Fred Thompson for opposing immigration legislation the Arizona senator is co-sponsoring.

The immigration spat comes as the GOP race turns increasingly contentious and as Romney, the former Massachusetts governor, shows signs of gaining steam in Iowa and New Hampshire while Thompson lays the groundwork for what increasingly appears to be his own White House bid.

After months of behind-the-scenes aggression between the McCain and Romney campaigns, the two rivals openly sparred last week during a debate at the University of South Carolina.

In a conference call with bloggers Monday, McCain took Romney to task for being against the Senate's immigration measure. Romney's campaign dismissed McCain's remarks, saying they showed a candidate on the ropes over a politically volatile issue.

McCain doesn't seem to have the temperament for the job. Our country has enough grumpy old men in political leadership. We don't need one in the White House.

UPDATE: If immigration doesn't finish him off, campaign finance reform is a disqualifier according to Dennis Prager.

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