HolyCoast: Interesting Poll Results in South Carolina
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Monday, May 14, 2007

Interesting Poll Results in South Carolina

Some just released poll numbers from South Carolina, the home of tomorrow night's GOP debate:
  • WH '08 Primary Election Matchup
  • J. McCain 25%
  • R. Giuliani 20
  • F. Thompson 16
  • N. Gingrich 12
  • M. Romney 8
  • M. Huckabee 2
  • S. Brownback 1
  • J. Gilmore 1
  • D. Hunter 1
  • R. Paul 1
  • T. Tancredo 1
  • T. Thompson 1
  • C. Hagel —
  • Undec/other 13
We need to do a little tough love with some of these guys. If you don't have 5% in any of the early primary states, you shouldn't be clogging up the debate. And if you're getting beat by two guys who haven't even declared for the race yet, it might be time to get out. Romney may be good at raising money, but so far it hasn't bought him anything in South Carolina.

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