HolyCoast: It Ain't Easy Being a Dem Congressman
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Thursday, May 24, 2007

It Ain't Easy Being a Dem Congressman

Mark Foley was the Democrats favorite congressman during the 2006 election when it came out that he was engaged in some questionable conduct with House pages. His name was trumpeted long and loud by Dems campaigning against the "culture of corruption".

His very Republican Florida district ended up going to a Democrat...barely, but that Democrat isn't having a very good time (from Special Report):
House Democrats are trying to buck up freshman Tim Mahoney — the man who won the Florida seat formerly held by the disgraced Republican Mark Foley.

The Hill newspaper reports the millionaire businessman doesn't much like his new gig. Mahoney says — "very candidly, this isn't the greatest job I've had." The paper says the congressman has had a tough time dealing with the glacial pace and seniority-driven ways of the House.

Says Mahoney — "There's nothing in my experience in 30 years in business that even comes close to doing what you have to do in Congress. I think there should be a law that says, before you run, you have to do the job for two weeks."

At least Foley found a way to enjoy his work.

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