HolyCoast: Jewelry Thief Becomes Bus Hood Ornament
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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Jewelry Thief Becomes Bus Hood Ornament

Sometimes the fates have a sense of humor:
Authorities said the 42-year-old man snatched a $2,000 gold chain from the Bronx jewelry store on Friday and was making his getaway. A store clerk and two bystanders were chasing the man on foot when he pedaled into an intersection and was hit by a fast-moving bus, police said.

The suspect was taken to a hospital, where he died from head injuries. Five passengers who were jostled when the bus slammed on its brakes were also examined at the hospital.

"He lost his life for $2,000," said the store's owner, Lakhwinder Singh. "He'd sell it for maybe only two or three hundred. That makes no sense."

The necklace was still missing, and may have been thrown from the scene or grabbed by a bystander after the accident.

Let's hope the necklace brings the next thief the same luck.

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