HolyCoast: The Kennedy-Bush Library
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Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Kennedy-Bush Library

So, how are conservatives responding to the "No Illegal Immigrant Left Behind" immigration reform bill? Perhaps this Scrappleface item says it all:
Alien Bill Deal Puts Kennedy Name on Bush Library
By Scott Ott on Law

(2007-05-19) — If Congress were to pass the new proposed comprehensive immigration bill, Bush administration sources say Sen. Ted Kennedy will get naming rights to George W. Bush’s future presidential library as part of the deal.

“It’s only fair, since Teddy’s the architect of the Bush legacy,” said an unnamed White House source. “Sen. Kennedy was the driving force behind the ‘No Child Left Behind’ act, and now this measure to legalize illegal immigration. Historians will remember these as the watersheds of Bush-Kennedy years.”

The president has already expressed enthusiasm for the Kennedy-sponsored bill, which supporters dubbed the “No Hard Feelings Immigration Act of 2007,” because it creates a pathway to citizenship for the more than 12 million “undocumented workers” who can document that they arrived in the U.S. before January 1, 2007.

The future Bush presidential library will be located in the president’s hometown of Crawford, TX, and sources said it would be built for “pennies on the dollar” by a small army of newly-legal illegal immigrants.
It wouldn't surprise me a bit if that were true.

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