HolyCoast: Murtha Feels the Heat, Sort of Apologizes
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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Murtha Feels the Heat, Sort of Apologizes

The media is calling it an apology, but I doubt its sincerity:
Democratic Rep. John Murtha of Pennsylvania sent a note of apology to Republican Rep. Mike Rogers of Michigan Wednesday, the day after a divided House denied Rogers a vote to officially reprimand the powerful senior Democrat.

Murtha apologized for his "outburst" in a handwritten note Rogers received Wednesday morning, the latter's office confirmed. This marks his first acknowledgement of an episode between the two lawmakers on the House floor.

Last week, the powerful Democrat allegedly threatened to deny Rogers any future spending projects in defense bills after the Michigan Republican challenged his earmark request for $23 million to prevent the administration from closing an intelligence gathering facility in his western Pennsylvania district.

Republicans have called the tirade a flagrant abuse of House rules.

A real apology for this situation wouldn't be a handwritten note, but would involve Murtha standing before the House in open session and publicly expressing his regret to Rep. Rogers.

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