HolyCoast: Rudy Winning Over Social Conservatives
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Rudy Winning Over Social Conservatives

I've argued previously that electability might trump specific views on social issues when it comes to the 2008 presidential election. That seems to be true so far when it comes to social conservatives and Rudy Giuliani:
Rudy Giuliani, whose positions on abortion and homosexuality mark him as the most socially liberal Republican presidential candidate in more than a generation, is so far winning the contest for the support of social conservatives, according to a new analysis of recent polls.

Widespread perceptions that Giuliani is the most electable Republican in this year's field are driving his support among social conservatives, according to the analysis by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life.

If the trend holds, this apparent willingness to support a candidate who fails what were once regarded as litmus-test issues would mark a landmark shift in the political behavior of a constituency that has been a pillar of the modern GOP. Already the shift is spurring sharp debate among prominent Christian conservative leaders, some of whom warn that Giuliani backers are abandoning core principles.
Support could shift away from Rudy once again should a better candidate come along. In early polling Fred Thompson seems to draw much of his support from Rudy, and I think he would be a very attractive candidate for many conservatives who are uncomfortable with Rudy's views on abortion and gay rights. However, if Thompson doesn't get in and conservatives are faced with a choice of Rudy or Hillary, I think most will clench their teeth and vote for Rudy rather than risk the election of an even worst candidate.

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