HolyCoast: Ten Is Not Enough
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Friday, May 04, 2007

Ten Is Not Enough

After reading various reviews of last night's GOP presidential debate it becomes more and more apparent that ten candidates is not enough. Peggy Noonan agrees:
They stood earnestly in a row, combed, primped and prepped, as Nancy Reagan gazed up at them with courteous interest. But behind the hopeful candidates, a dwarfing shadow loomed, a shadow almost palpable in its power to remind Republicans of the days when men were men and the party was united. His power is only increased by his absence. But enough about Fred Thompson.

It's almost unfortunate that the event was held in the Ronald Reagan Library because it proved so painfully that these guys are not Reagan, and the one guy who probably has the most Reagan-like characteristics wasn't there. I'm becoming increasingly convinced that if Fred Thompson gets in the race, Rudy's lead will evaporate and Thompson will quickly sweep past McCain and Romney.

I don't think the GOP is concerned about having a candidate with nice hair, like Romney or on the Dem side, John Edwards. They want a straight talker, but not one who has taken every opportunity to speak against his own party, like McCain. They're excited about leadership, but if given the opportunity to select a leader who also agrees with them on social values, will flock to that candidate. To me, that guy is Thompson and that spells trouble for Rudy. The rest of the field is our own version of the seven dwarves, and the sooner they get out the less the GOP message will be diluted.

Thompson is now running his own blog at ABC.com. It's worth reading.

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