HolyCoast: The Unnatural
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Monday, May 14, 2007

The Unnatural

George Will writes in Newsweek on the subject of Barry Bonds, his soon-to-come homerun record, and his suspected drug use. The piece contains these amazing paragraphs (h/t The Corner):

Equally startling are these numbers: According to Mark Fainaru-Wada and Lance Williams, the San Francisco Chronicle reporters who wrote "Game of Shadows: Barry Bonds, BALCO, and the Steroids Scandal That Rocked Professional Sports," Mike Murphy, equipment manager of the San Francisco Giants, testified that since Bonds became a Giant in 1993, the size of his uniform jersey has gone from 42 to 52. His cap size has expanded from 7 1/8 to 7 1/4, even though while it was expanding he shaved his head. (Bonds reportedly shaved his head because his hair was falling out as a result of steroid use.) And Fainaru-Wada and Williams also say Murphy testified that Bonds's baseball shoe size has changed from 10½ to 13.

Steroids, human growth hormone (HGH) and other performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) can cause gradual enlargement of bones in the feet, hands, face, jaw and skull. Bonds has never failed a steroid test, but there is no reliable test for HGH, and chemists concocting PEDs also devise masking ingredients to defeat tests.

The only one I know who's grown like that is my 15 year old son, and he's supposed to be getting bigger (though I hope he stops before he's taller than me). I don't care if Bonds hits 900 home runs, his record will always be tainted with the accusations of performance enhancing drugs.

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