HolyCoast: What Pelosi's House Has Been Up To
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Friday, May 25, 2007

What Pelosi's House Has Been Up To

NOTE: Today I bring you a guest post from HolyCoast Dad who has a few opinions of his own, and will be doing some fill-in work for me during a trip next month to New York City. Take it away, Dad....

Register Editorial 5-24-07 by John Campbell (R-Irvine 48th District)

Mr. Campbell identifies several bills that you don't hear about because the new Nancy Pelosi-led Democratic majority doesn't want you to know about them.
Thought Crime: the recent bill that passed the House effectively segregates "hate" into acceptable hat and punishable hate. So, if you hate them because they are wealthy or a military veteral, this is not a crime under the bill. But, if you hate them because of their "perceived gender or sexual orientation", this is a crime. And by the way, attorneys believe that members of NAMBLA (the North American Man/Boy Love Association), who advocate sex between adult men and underage boys, would constitute a protected "sexual orientation" under this bill.

I have heard about this bill concerning the public discussion of homosexual lifestyle stating that if this is mentioned from the pulpit in churches, the speaker, even though he would be quoting the Bible, could be arrested and charged with a hate crime if he suggested that homosexuality is a sin. They want their lifestyle choice accepted as "normal" and will go to any lengths to force the issue. Things are going to get difficult just preaching the truth.

Tax increases: Tax receipts to the federal government are at an all time high. April 24, 2007, saw the largest single day of revenue flow to the federal government in the history of the republic. Tax receipts are up 37 percent in three years. --- If we held the line on spending, we could get rid of the deficit in two years at this rate. But that's still not enough government money for the tax-and-spend liberals.

Last week, a budget was passed on a party-line vote that calls for repeal of all of the tax cuts enacted during this decade. That would amount to an average tax increase of $4743 per taxpayer in my Orange County congressional district. You didn't need that money, did you?

Every time a Democrat gets in front of a mike he/she asks for the tax cuts to be removed. Why? Because he/she needs the money for pork in his/her district. Never mind that the voters in his/her district or state is enjoying record unemployment, record stock market prices, more money to spend on their families, has money for trips and general living items that would not be there if the tax cuts were removed. Somehow they cannot see the "cause & affect" -- only the bottom line which is the government needs more money to spend on programs for the people who seem to vote Democrat.

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