HolyCoast: Wimps In Congress Getting Called Out
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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Wimps In Congress Getting Called Out

Sen. Jim DeMint is not mincing words when discussing some of his fellow congressmen:
Sen. Jim DeMint on Tuesday blamed Democratic “wimps” in Congress for American casualties in Iraq, and cited Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid for special censure.

During a luncheon speech to 100 constituents in Spartanburg, DeMint also took issue with the now widespread belief that Saddam Hussein had no weapons of mass destruction, saying the executed Iraqi dictator had “stockpiles of chemical weapons” that still exist.

DeMint devoted most of his comments to the current immigration debate in the Senate. But he spoke about the war when a woman in the audience stood and asked him how long U.S. troops will remain in Iraq.

"Al-Qaida knows that we’ve got a lot of wimps in Congress," DeMint said. "I believe a lot of the casualties can be laid at the feet of all the talk in Congress about how we’ve got to get out, we’ve got to cut and run."

Asked later who he had targeted in his comments, DeMint replied:

“To a large degree, the Democratic party and those who basically declared defeat like Harry Reid.”

That is exactly the right thing to say. It's time to put the Dems on defense, and the best way to do that is to call them out. The Dems love to trash talk the war, the president, and the GOP, but they have a glass jaw on many of these subjects and a straight shot like DeMint's will really throw them off balance. Just look at Reid's response:
“The last thing this country needs right now is this kind of disgraceful rhetoric,” Jim Manley, a spokesman for Reid, said of DeMint’s remarks.
Reid wouldn't even respond himself. He sent some P.R. weenie out to do it for him. He is a wimp.

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