HolyCoast: Amnesty Bill Vote - Dead Bill Walking
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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Amnesty Bill Vote - Dead Bill Walking

The cloture vote is underway - so far 53 "NOs" by my count (needed 41 to kill the bill). That should kill it - hopefully once and for all.

McCain & Hagel voted "Aye". Goodbye presidential hopes.
Brownback switched to "No". He still won't be president, but he didn't hurt himself any further.

UPDATE: The bill dies officially 46-53. Harry Reid is now trying to put lipstick on the pig and is basically promising to bring this bill back later in the session. He's praising the new "friendships" that were created as a result of working on this bill. In other words, he's praising the Republicans who caved and went along with the Democrats.

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