HolyCoast: Barriers and Fences
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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Barriers and Fences

John McCain continued to torch his campaign tonight, at least as far as the conservative base is concerned, when he pulled out the old Reagan "shining city on a hill" line, and then stated that he "would not erect barriers and fences around it". Oops. Given the emphasis placed on border security by a majority of those who will vote in the primary, that's gonna leave a mark. Hugh Hewitt adds this:
Senator McCain simply does not care what the republican base thinks. he didn't care on McCain-Feingold. He didn't care on the Gang of 14. he didn't care on McCain-Kennedy 1.0 or the treatment and trial of terrorists bill, and he doesn't care on the fence and McCain-Kennedy 2.0.

That won't fly, and he didn't finish in the top 9 tonight for that reason. Rudy and Mitt won, and the others at least didn't hurt themselves. Only Senator McCain said "screw you" to the voters whose votes he needs.

John - get out before it becomes really embarrassing.

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