HolyCoast: Doing Their Part for the "War for Islam"
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Sunday, June 03, 2007

Doing Their Part for the "War for Islam"

More information is coming out about the four suspects in the JFK Airport bombing plot (from Andrew McCarthy):
Defreitas and his fellow jihadists, most haling from Guyana but with ties to Trinidad’s ruthless Jama’at al Muslimeen (the Muslim Group), wanted to do their part in what they unflinchingly called “the war for Islam.” They wanted to kill JFK, and kill us. A second time.

They know there’s a war out there. Not just Iraq or Afghanistan, but Dar al Islam and Dar al Harb — jihadists versus civilization. Global. For us to win, it will not be enough to stabilize Baghdad, sow democracy and empower moderates. It’s about breaking the enemy’s will, as they are working feverishly to break ours.

Thanks to excellent police work, this time they were stopped. But there will be a next time, and another. The jihadists know what’s at stake. Do we?

We've been fortunate that in the many cases thwarted in the U.S. in the last few years the bad guys have been somewhat incompetent which allowed law enforcement to infiltrate their organizations or discover their plots in advance. Somewhere there could be a group which doesn't share that incompetence, and that's the scary part.

I wonder if any of the esteemed journalists on the panel for tonight's Democratic debate will dare bring up this latest plot with the Dem nominees? After all, John Edwards doesn't think we're in a global war on terror and his thoughts on this latest plot might be especially illuminating. I would love to hear from all of them on this case, but you know that isn't going to happen.

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