HolyCoast: Fortunetellers Miss Another One
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Friday, June 08, 2007

Fortunetellers Miss Another One

Awhile back we had the story of the Philadelphia tarot card readers who somehow missed the revelation that they would be raided by the cops. Now we have the Salem, MA fortunetellers who didn't see trouble coming:
SALEM, Mass. — Will I be rich? Will I find the person of my dreams? Will I be famous?

Those are some of the things fortunetellers are asked to predict, but soothsayers in Salem, Mass., say they had no way of knowing their cars would be smashed and their shops defaced with dead raccoons, incidents possibly linked to an ongoing heated debate about licensing and a proposed psychic fair.

Fortunetellers Sylvia Martinez and Barbara Szafranski, who found the dead animals last weekend, told the Boston Herald that they are opposed to the city increasing the number of licenses it grants for fortunetelling. The women claim that doing so invites unqualified witches and warlocks to the historic Witch City.

Well, we can't have that.

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