HolyCoast: From Conservative Guy to Liberal Gal
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

From Conservative Guy to Liberal Gal

Not many political conversions are as complete as this one (from Special Report):
Florida firefighter Jennifer Lasko is one of four people picked to have dinner with Barack Obama next month in Washington. She won the spot after writing an essay explaining her political transformation from Reagan conservative U.S. Army soldier to anti-war liberal Democrat.

Then The Palm Beach Post reported that Jennifer Lasko had another transformation — she used to be John William Lasko — and underwent a sex change operation two-and-a-half years ago.

Lasko has since offered to bow out of the Obama dinner. But an Obama spokeswoman says Lasko is still welcome to come and the decision is up to her.
No telling what he or she will be when he or she shows up for the dinner.

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