HolyCoast: Great Moments in Law Enforcement
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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Great Moments in Law Enforcement

The entertainment media has been giving us breathless updates on the jail travails of Paris Hilton, who was reportedly spending her free time reading a book (she owns a book??). Looks like she didn't even get past the foreward before her sentence was over:
TMZ has learned that Paris Hilton has not only had her sentence cut short, she is already out of jail!

Unimpeachable sources tell TMZ the deal was sealed yesterday, and that Hilton made her exit early early this morning.

She was originally sentenced to 45 days in jail, but that was reduced to 23. She served a total of three days.
She'll now probably get a movie deal for a story about her stint in the Big House. Working title: "72 Hours in Hell".

UPDATE: She was released to home confinement due to "unspecified medical reasons". My guess is the other inmates were afraid of catching something from her.

UPDATE 2: Uh-oh:
Hours after Paris Hilton was sent home under house arrest, the judge who originally put her in jail ordered her back to court to determine whether she should be put back behind bars.

"The city attorney filed a petition for an order to show cause why the sheriff should not be held in contempt for releasing Ms. Hilton, and demanded that she be held in custody," Superior Court spokesman Allan Parachini said late Thursday afternoon.

Hilton was ordered to report to court at 9 a.m. Friday, Superior Court spokesman Allan Parachini told The Associated Press.

Don't put the striped jumpsuit away just yet.

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