HolyCoast: McCain Media Advisor Will Quit if Obama is Nominated
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Thursday, June 07, 2007

McCain Media Advisor Will Quit if Obama is Nominated

John McCain's media advisor is lifelong Democrat Mark McKinnon (who also worked for Bush). However, McKinnon will be a fairweather employee:
Senior McCain media adviser Mark McKinnon -- who led George W. Bush's ad efforts in 2000 and 2004 -- has told Sen. John McCain that he would quit if Sen. Barack Obama wins the Democratic nomination, Newsweek reports.

"McKinnon, a lifelong Democrat until he decided to team up with Bush, developed a bond with McCain over their shared belief in the need to remain committed to the troops in Iraq... But he wrote a memo to the campaign in January, explaining that he would quit if the general election pitted McCain against Obama. McKinnon wrote that while he opposed Obama's policies, especially on Iraq, he felt that the Illinois senator--as an African-American politician--has a unique potential to change the country. Therefore, McKinnon argued, he wanted no part in any efforts to tear down Obama's candidacy."
This is probably a nonissue since McCain will never be the nominee, and Obama's chances aren't that good either.

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