HolyCoast: Mile High Global Warming
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Monday, June 11, 2007

Mile High Global Warming

The city of Denver, CO, is getting aggressive in their approach to global warming:

Denver is gearing up to fight global warming, and residents may soon be asked to make personal sacrifices to help save the planet.

The new plan is aimed at making Denver a national leader in reducing gas emissions that have been linked to global warming, giving a major push to alternative energy, stepping up recycling and changing building codes to encourage energy conservation.

But the proposal also contains some ideas that may be unpopular, such as penalizing heavy users of electricity and natural gas and basing auto insurance premiums on the number of miles traveled.

That may all be well and good, but it seems a little out of sorts with these other two headlines, also from today:

Denver Sees Coldest June Morning In Over 50 Years...

7 of 10 warmest years for Denver occured before 1955...

Follow the money...

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