HolyCoast: The Sopranos Finale
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Sunday, June 10, 2007

The Sopranos Finale

There are a number of articles in the news right now concerning tonight's finale for the wildly successful HBO series The Sopranos. Here'a a couple:

'SOPRANOS' heads for highly anticipated climax...

Old Jersey Real The greatness of "The Sopranos."

'The Sopranos' Ready to Sleep With the Fishes

I don't have HBO and so have never seen an episode of the show in all it's "F-word" glory, but some months ago A&E began running the series from the very first episode which I believe aired in January of 1999. They generally run 2 episodes every Wednesday night, and my TiVO never misses one. I can see why the show achieved such critical acclaim.

Yes, it's bloody and violent at times, but the benefit of watching on A&E is that some of that has been cleaned up. The "S-word" still comes through loud and clear on cable, but the "F-word" and all of its variations are magically transformed into all sorts of things that no self-respecting mobster would ever say. That's okay, though, because for me it makes the show more watchable. And having two episodes per week without the large between season breaks that occurred on HBO really speeds up the process.

The latest episode that we watched last night originally aired in May of 2001 and was the 15th episode of the 3rd season. As far as I know A&E will continue to air The Sopranos until they finish the series.

I've always enjoyed mob movies such as The Godfather, The Godfather Part II (part III was a stinker), Casino, and Goodfellas, and The Sopranos gives a whole new perspective on the mobster who also has his own family and personal problems to worry about. By no means does the show make a hero out of Tony Soprano.

It's a great show, and although HBO subscribers may bemoan the end of the series, I've still got over three seasons to go as long as A&E keeps running them.

UPDATE: The finale is not making Sopranos fans happy, according to some reports I've seen. Here's what happened in the finale.

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