HolyCoast: Thompson Takes the Lead in Rasmussen Poll
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Thompson Takes the Lead in Rasmussen Poll

Fred Thompson has taken the lead in the latest Rasmussen poll despite not having yet officially declared himself a candidate (from blogsforfred.com):
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey (Tuesday, June 26, 2007) has FDT leading the Republican primary race with 27% support. That gives him a four-point advantage over Rudy Giuliani who is currently preferred by 23% of Likely Primary Voters. A week ago, it was Thompson 28% and Giuliani 27%. Two weeks ago, they were tied at 24%. Prior to that time, Giuliani had been on top in every weekly Rasmussen Reports poll for five months.

Imagine how tough he'll be once he actually starts active campaigning.

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