HolyCoast: Tour de Sonoma County
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Saturday, June 30, 2007

Tour de Sonoma County

The original plan for today was a trip to San Francisco, but after seeing some local promotional stuff on TV we decided to tour the county a bit. We headed north up 101 to the north side of Santa Rosa and got off on River Road. Taking that road west you parallel the Russian River all the way to the coast, hitting the mouth of the river where it meets the rocky Pacific shore at Jenner. It's a nice drive with frequent views of the river and the many kayakers and fishermen. You also spend part of the drive heading through coastal redwood forests.

From Jenner we headed south on Hwy 1 to Bodega Bay where we stopped at The Tides, a popular local store/restaurant and tourist trap. Much to our surprise we found ourselves in the presence of a 50's movie icon. Tipi Hedron, who starred in Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds, was signing autographs and publicity photos from her days in the movies. Part of that movie was filmed around Bodega Bay, including the church scene which was actually a church in Bodega City.

We headed back east through Sebastapol, went through Santa Rosa again, and took Hwy 12 all the way down to Sonoma (city). Nice drive with winery after winery along the route. We went back the southern route through Petaluma and had dinner near our hotel.

My wife really wanted to get to Sausalito, so we made a late drive down there to walk along the streets and watch the sunset over the Bay. The lights from San Francisco glimmering across the water was pretty impressive.

Tomorrow we head home again and hope to get back to regular blogging.

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