HolyCoast: White House Ready for Supreme Court Vacancy That Won't Happen
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Monday, June 04, 2007

White House Ready for Supreme Court Vacancy That Won't Happen

ABC News has an article on the Bush Administration's preparations for an opening on the Supreme Court:
The White House is developing a short list of possible Supreme Court nominees so President Bush can move swiftly if a justice retires at the end of June, when the Court breaks for its summer recess, according to sources involved in the selection process.

Bush met with top advisers last month, and they discussed possible nominees if a Supreme Court vacancy occurs.

He told White House Counsel Fred Fielding and other administration lawyers that he wanted to nominate a woman or a minority to the Court, and his legal team has narrowed its focus to a half-dozen contenders, sources said.

The conservatives on the court appear to be in good health and none have indicated a desire to leave. There's no way the any of the liberals are going anywhere unless in a body bag. They don't want Bush to have a shot of any kind to replace them.

Even if one dies in office, chances are that Bush would not be able to get anybody confirmed unless that person is to the left of Teddy Kennedy. Anyone with any conservative credentials at all will be filibustered, assuming they can even get out of the Judiciary Committee.

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