HolyCoast: Another Congressman Goes Cynthia McKinney On the Capitol Hill Cops
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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Another Congressman Goes Cynthia McKinney On the Capitol Hill Cops

The sense of entitlement that members of Congress feel must be overwhelmingly strong - so strong that people who should know better feel compelled to make complete asses of themselves:
On Thursday afternoon, Rep. Christopher Shays (R-Conn.) got into a loud, angry dispute with a U.S. Capitol Police officer at the security checkpoint inside the entrance of the West Side of the Capitol. On Friday, Shays, a veteran lawmaker, offered a public apology for the incident and said that he wants to meet with the officer personally to reiterate how sorry he is.

Shays reportedly grabbed the officer during the dispute over whether the officer should allow a group of tourists to enter the building, said several sources. Tourists are not allowed to use the West Front entrance, but Shays was trying to bring the group through that entrance anyway. The officer refused to allow them in, and Shays then “yelled and screamed” at the officer, including using profanity, the sources said.

According to Michelle Malkin, Shays is a "Capitol Hill diva. A Lindsey Lohan in a suit".

That sounds about right. At least he won't be holding a press conference to claim the cop is racist.

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