HolyCoast: Another Reason for Dems to Hate Fox News
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Friday, July 13, 2007

Another Reason for Dems to Hate Fox News

Democrats have an irrational fear of Fox News, as evidenced by their unwillingness to appear on debates that are hosted on that network. They've managed to convince themselves that reporting the whole story is evil and wrong, while reporting only the liberal talking points, as takes place on all the other networks, is good and right.

After yesterday's faux debate at the NAACP convention in Detroit, Dems may have another reason to hate Fox News:
DETROIT (AP) - Democrats John Edwards and Hillary Rodham Clinton consider themselves among the top presidential candidates.

They were caught by Fox News microphones discussing their desire to limit future joint appearances to exclude some lower rivals after a forum in Detroit Thursday.

Edwards says, "We should try to have a more serious and a smaller group."

Clinton agrees, saying, "We've got to cut the number" and "they're not serious." She also says that she thought their campaigns had already tried to limit the debates and say, "We've gotta get back to it."

Others taking part in the forum sponsored by the NAACP were Senators Barack Obama, Chris Dodd and Joe Biden, Congressman Dennis Kucinich, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson and former Alaska Senator Mike Gravel.

I saw the Fox News film of this little meeting between Edwards and Clinton. Both were wearing microphones, but apparently thought that if they held their hands in front of the mics, nobody could hear them. Wrong.

One of the "not serious" candidates, Crazy Dennis Kucinich, is hopping mad:
Top campaign officials for Ohio Congressman and Democratic Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich tonight expressed outrage that rival candidates Hillary Clinton and John Edwards were overheard collaborating on a strategy to eliminate other Democratic candidates from future debates and forums....

"Candidates, no matter how important or influential they perceive themselves to be, do not have and should not have the power to determine who is allowed to speak to the American public and who is not," said Kucinich.

"Imperial candidates are as repugnant to the American people and to our Democracy as an imperial President."

The Kucinich campaign will immediately take steps to address the planned actions of the Clinton and Edwards campaigns.
By conspiring so publicly to oust the candidates other than themselves and Obama, Hillary and the Breck Girl have probably just killed their chances of limiting future debates. Now they're going to be stuck with these losers for the rest of the primary campaign.

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