HolyCoast: Clinton Buys An Endorsement
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Clinton Buys An Endorsement

Former Dem candidate Tom Vilsack, governor of Iowa, has endorsed Hillary Clinton. I wonder why....
Shortly after endorsing Sen. Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack (D) "received nearly $90,000 in donations to his defunct presidential campaign from some of Clinton’s major backers," the Los Angeles Times reports.

"The donations, disclosed in Federal Election Commission filings over the weekend, came from Clinton fundraising bastions of New York, California, Texas, and Washington, D.C. None came from Iowa, where Vilsack served two terms as governor."

Joe Wilson, perpetrator of the Valerie Plame CIA leak hoax, has also endorsed Hillary. Maybe she kicked in for some of his legal bills.

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