HolyCoast: Close Gitmo, but Where Do the Terrorists Go?
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Monday, July 30, 2007

Close Gitmo, but Where Do the Terrorists Go?

Sen. Diane Feinstein, just barely the sharper of California's two Senators (and that's not saying much given that the other Senator is Barbara "Dumb-as-a box-of-rocks" Boxer), has a lengthy op-ed calling for the closing of Camp Gitmo, current vacation paradise for many of the world's finest terrorists. You can read her pleading here.

The one thing I found interesting in her piece is the fact that she offers no solution whatsoever for the disposition of the terrorists. Where would she send them? Of course, the answer is to American cities and towns near you where you can look forward to having these mutts locked up and tried in the courts in your neighborhood.

This would be a boon for the ACLU and trial lawyers everywhere, and will undoubtedly tie up our courts to a degree that regular business will grind to a halt.

Like most Dems, she hasn't thought this out.

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