HolyCoast: A Counter Protest for Fox News
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Counter Protest for Fox News

I had the story the other day about the lefties' plans to harass advertisers on the Fox News Channel in the vain hopes that they would be scared off by the limp-wristed sissies from Wacky Left World. The American Family Association has decided to conduct a counter protest:
The American Family Association (AFA) says it will counter the efforts of left-wing groups to boycott Fox News Channel.

Groups such as MoveOn.org, the Campaign for America’s Future and liberal blogs like DailyKos.com have called for a boycott of Fox News Channel. DailyKos says the network characterizes itself as a fair news network when it consistently favors a conservative point of view.

"Every advertiser the liberals want to target for a boycott, we will target to promote,” said AFA chairman Donald E. Wildmon. "I think we can do a better job than these groups when it comes to boycotting and buycotting,” he said.

The AFA has a great deal of experience with boycotts, so I'm sure they can give the Kos Kids a run for their money. I personally don't like boycotts. I think they're generally ineffective, but if that's the way the lefties want to play, we might as well try and counter them.

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