HolyCoast: Dem Congresswoman Retreats to Her Fainting Couch
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Dem Congresswoman Retreats to Her Fainting Couch

In keeping with the ongoing theme that good news in Iraq is bad news for Democrats, one Dem congresswoman had to retreat from the hearing room because she was overcome by emotion as she was hearing about progress in Iraq:
Washington — Kansas Rep. Nancy Boyda is defending her decision to step out of a hearing room last week while a retired Army general testified about U.S. progress in Iraq.

But Republicans on Monday accused Boyda of refusing to listen to the positive aspects of the Bush administration’s new Iraq strategy.

Boyda, a freshman Democrat from Topeka, said she left the House Armed Services Committee hearing on Friday for about 10 minutes during the testimony of retired Gen. Jack Keane.

“There was only so much that you could take until we in fact had to leave the room for a while,” Boyda said after she returned, according to a transcript of the hearing. “So I think I am back and maybe can articulate some things — after so much of the frustration of having to listen to what we listened to.”...

Boyda’s chief of staff, Shanan Guinn, said Monday that Boyda left the hearing “to kind of compose herself because she’s understandably frustrated with the way the war’s going.”
What a lightweight. I guess leaving to regain her composure is better than putting her fingers in her ears and going "LA!-LA!-LA!-LA!-LA!-LA!-....", but if you hear news that goes against what you want to believe and can't handle it, Congress is probably not the place for you to be.

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