HolyCoast: Dems Just Can't Let Go of Gonzales
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Monday, July 30, 2007

Dems Just Can't Let Go of Gonzales

Senator Pat "Leaky" Leahy on Alberto Gonzales (from Political Wire):
"This is going to have a devastating effect on law enforcement throughout the country if it's not cleared up."

-- Sen. Patrick J. Leahy, quoted by the Washington Times, on "apparent contradictions" in Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' recent testimony about surveillance laws. Leahy has threatened a perjury investigation.

How in the world is law enforcement threatened by anything Gonzales says? It's yet another example of how the Dems are hopelessly stuck in the past and like a chihuahua pulling on a sock, just can't let go of every little perceived slight.

If you have doubts about Gonzales' veracity, check out Powerline's post on the subject.

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