HolyCoast: Dog Doo More of a Problem Than Global Warming
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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Dog Doo More of a Problem Than Global Warming

A new survey has shown that a majority of citizens aren't buying the global warming hype:

The public believes the effects of global warming on the climate are not as bad as politicians and scientists claim, a poll has suggested.

The Ipsos Mori poll of 2,032 adults - interviewed between 14 and 20 June - found 56% believed scientists were still questioning climate change.

There was a feeling the problem was exaggerated to make money, it found.

The Royal Society said most climate scientists believed humans were having an "unprecedented" effect on climate.

The survey suggested that terrorism, graffiti, crime and dog mess were all of more concern than climate change.

As is often the case, the lefties have overplayed their hand by making global warming part of nearly every story, and at some point, the readers and viewers turn off and start looking at global warming as a bunch of people screaming "the sky is falling!" in order to get funding.

The people are smarter than the scientists and environwackos think.

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