HolyCoast: Edwards: "They Want to Shut Me Up"
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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Edwards: "They Want to Shut Me Up"

John Edwards is feeling put upon these days:

MyDD* flags an intense minute and a half from John Edwards in Creston, Iowa, yesterday in which he heatedly tells an audience that the attention to trivia (I assume the reference here is to his haircuts) is "not an accident" and that "they want to shut me up" to silence his message about ending the war and universalizing health care.

He warns, in the video segment posted by his campaign, that if we don't beat back these unnamed oligarchs, "They're going to control the media. They're going to control what's being said."
As I recall, Edwards comes from the same party that's in favor of reinstating the Fairness Doctrine - a law that would "control what's being said". Edwards was also the first one to bail out of the Dem debate on the Fox News Channel. I guess he didn't mind trying to control that media.

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