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Wednesday, July 04, 2007


HolyCoast Mom runs an e-mail prayer line called "Prayer Partners". She sent this message out today in honor of our country and holiday. I thought it was worthy of sharing with the BLOG.
HolyCoast Dad

Dear Prayer Partners,

Since 911, I have signed off the Prayer Line messages with, "God Bless America!"

I do not write those words lightly. I know that if God does not bless America, we will be facing a life such as people experience in many other countries.

The news of the past few days makes us realize that we are truly in a fight for our way of living and our lives.

We cannot afford to sit back and allow the powers of Satan to overtake us in our complacency. Prayer is a tool of great power given to us by our Maker.

May we never take for granted the freedom we have to worship God without fear of incarceration or death. Many, many people the world over, are not allowed that freedom.

Our children and grandchildren will need to be very strong in their faith in order to withstand the pressures that they will face in the future.

May our flag be free to fly and may we accept the responsibility of prayer that will protect all that we believe in and hold dear.

Thank you for being there.
Ann Moore (HolyCoast Mom)

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