HolyCoast: Harry Reid's Slumber Party Part of MoveOn.org Campaign
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Harry Reid's Slumber Party Part of MoveOn.org Campaign

The Politico has information on the back room machinations that are giving rise to Harry Reid's slumber party in the Senate tonight. The whole thing is being coordinated with MoveOn.org's antiwar campaign, and as part of the effort, Dems are encouraged to bash the commander-in-chief at every opportunity:
Leaders are instructing Democratic lawmakers to blitz their states with anti-Bush messages as the Senate gears up for an all-night debate on Iraq withdrawal, according to an internal memo provided to The Politico by a Democratic official.

“We need every Senator’s help throughout the next two days to amplify our message and highlight Republican obstructionism,” says the memo from the Senate Democratic Communications Center, part of the office of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.). “This is a caucus-wide effort and your help is needed.”

The GOP isn't just sitting idly by:
The memo from the Senate Republican Communications Center, part of the office of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.), calls attention to the fact that the all-night session coincides with evening rallies sponsored by the liberal group MoveOn.org, which is giving supporters instructions on how to “Host a Counter-Filibuster to End the War.”

In additional to the “publicity stunt” angle, Republicans will stress competence. A Senate Republican leadership aide e-mails: “We’re happy to debate all night if they want, but they’re not going to accomplish anything in the extra seven hours tonight that they haven’t accomplished in the last seven months. Lame.”
The Dems have a whole list of activities and talking points for tonight's extravaganza, and you can read about it here.

If I were the Republicans, I'd go get a bunch of marshmallows, graham crackers and chocolate bars and start making s'mores around 8pm tonight and passing them out on the floor. After all, it's a slumber party tradition.

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