HolyCoast: Hillary Tries to Make Money With Her Cleavage
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Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hillary Tries to Make Money With Her Cleavage

Just to show you how silly presidential politics has become, Hillary Clinton is actually trying to raise campaign donations because some stupid Style section article commented of her cleavage:
WASHINGTON (CNN) – Few political fundraising e-mails have ever carried the subject header “cleavage,” but White House hopeful Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign sent a solicitation to supporters Friday with the attention-grabbing header in order to decry a recent Washington Post article devoted to the New York Democrat’s chest — and raise campaign cash in the process.

“Frankly, focusing on women’s bodies instead of their ideas is insulting,” Ann Lewis, a senior adviser to Clinton, wrote in the e-mail. “It’s insulting to every woman who has ever tried to be taken seriously in a business meeting. It’s insulting to our daughters — and our sons — who are constantly pressured by the media to grow up too fast.”

“Take a stand against this kind of coarseness and pettiness in American culture,” Lewis adds, with a link to make a contribution to the campaign. “And take a stand for Hillary, the most experienced, most qualified candidate running for president.”

Lewis is referring to an article published in last Friday’s Washington Post Style Section, in which reporter Robin Givhan claims Clinton’s cleavage was “on display” during a recent Senate floor speech.

“With Clinton, there was the sense that you were catching a surreptitious glimpse at something private. You were intruding — being a voyeur. Showing cleavage is a request to be engaged in a particular way,” Givhan wrote in the article which detailed Clinton’s style evolution over the years. “It doesn’t necessarily mean that a woman is asking to be objectified, but it does suggest a certain confidence and physical ease.”

Any excuse for a fundraising letter will do these days, though frankly, I think John Edwards could probably make more money with his cleavage than Hillary ever will with hers.

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