HolyCoast: Nobel Peace Prize Winner Wants to Kill Bush
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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Nobel Peace Prize Winner Wants to Kill Bush

Just because you won the Nobel Peace Prize doesn't mean you can't openly express your desire to kill President Bush:
Nobel Peace Prize winner Betty Williams came from Ireland to Texas to declare that President Bush should be impeached.

In a keynote speech at the International Women's Peace Conference on Wednesday night, Ms. Williams told a crowd of about 1,000 that the Bush administration has been treacherous and wrong and acted unconstitutionally.

"Right now, I could kill George Bush," she said at the Adam's Mark Hotel and Conference Center in Dallas. "No, I don't mean that. How could you nonviolently kill somebody? I would love to be able to do that."

About half the crowd gave her a standing ovation after she called for Mr. Bush's removal from power.

"The Muslim world right now is suffering beyond belief," she said.

"Unless the president of the United States is held responsible for what he's doing and what he has done, there's no one in the Muslim world who will forgive him."

When an audience member told Ms. Williams that Vice President Dick Cheney would become president if George Bush were impeached, she said, "Can't you impeach them both?"

But let's not forget, Yassar Arafat and Jimmy Carter also won Peace prizes. You don't have to be particularly bright, or for that matter peaceful, to win the prize.

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