HolyCoast: "None of the Above" a Ballot Possibility in Massachusetts
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Thursday, July 19, 2007

"None of the Above" a Ballot Possibility in Massachusetts

Here's an interesting way to express your lack of confidence in the candidates shown on your ballot - vote for none of the above and request a new election:
"Massachusetts voters sick of holding their noses on Election Day could get another option: none of the above. The proposal would let voters reject all candidates and demand a new election," the Boston Globe reports.

"The measure, pending before the Legislature, would add the line 'None of the Above; For a New Election' to every state and local race on the ballot. If that option won the most votes, another election would be held in 60 to 80 days, and other candidates would be allowed to run."

"In a state where 70 percent of candidates ran unopposed last year, the bill would let voters try to force competition by calling for a new election."
What are the odds the legislature will approve this? Given that this is the same legislature that will not let the citizens of Massachusetts vote on the issue of gay marriage, I have my doubts that they'll allow their voters to choose new candidates other than the ones approved by the parties.

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