HolyCoast: Obama Makes Sense...Briefly
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Obama Makes Sense...Briefly

For one brief shining moment Barack Obama made sense:
CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (CNN) — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Monday if U.S. troops aren’t out of Iraq by the time he’s president, the first thing he’d do in office is order the Joint Chiefs of Staff to “get a plan to begin withdrawing” troops from Iraq. He was careful not to say he’d try to bring troops home immediately.“This will be a messy withdrawal,” Obama said. “People who say we’ll just pull them out are irresponsible.”

That certainly won't endear him to the wacky left. All Hillary has to do is promise an immediate withdrawal and she'll take those votes away.

However, the stress of making sense was too much for Obama, who then reverted into wacky conspiracy land:
“When our government gives Halliburton seven billion dollars in taxpayer dollars to put out Iraqi oil fires that don’t exist, when we hand over Katrina contracts to more of George Bush’s FEMA friends, it doesn’t just violate the American people’s trust,” Obama said. “It takes away the tax dollars they’ve earned and the valuable services they need.”
Well, that will win a few of the nuts back. As long as you can get Halliburton and Katrina in the same sentence, you'll be a hero to the nutjobs.

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