HolyCoast: President for Part of a Day
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Saturday, July 21, 2007

President for Part of a Day

For about 3 hours today Dick Cheney will be the acting president of the United States. President Bush will undergo a routine colonoscopy, and while the president is under sedation, Cheney will have the reins of power.

The wacky left is furiously spinning various scenarios about what Cheney will do as president. Will he pardon Scooter Libby? Bomb Iran? Ban women from the House of Representatives?

If you have suggestions for what Cheney can do with his time as Commander-in-Chief, go ahead and put them in the comments section. I'm sure Cheney reads this site every day and we might give him some good ideas.

UPDATE: It's over. Bush is back in charge and Cheney didn't abuse his power to end the world as we know it.

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