HolyCoast: Zoo Stew
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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Zoo Stew

What's new at the zoo? Maybe a better question is, what's new in the stew?:

Lots of people like looking at animals in zoos. Lots of people also like eating meat. However the thought of the two things together tends to turn most people's stomachs.

But not all apparently. Employees at the Erfurt zoo, it was revealed Wednesday, have for years been killing animals and selling their meat for zoo stew. Germany is outraged. ...

The animals killed were all "slaughterable" animals such as goats, sheep, pigs and deer, said Erfurt city hall spokeswoman Inga Hettstedt, and the meat was not sold to restaurants. However the mass circulation newspaper Bild reported Thursday that ducks, quails and even guinea pigs were also involved. The zoo, which is owned by the city of Erfurt, has over 1,400 animals belonging to around 190 species.

I hear the guinea pig goulash was especially tasty.

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