HolyCoast: 82 Minutes in Jail For DUI
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Friday, August 24, 2007

82 Minutes in Jail For DUI

You've got to love celebrity justice:
While the world’s media were focusing on Lindsay Lohan’s lucky plea bargain, fellow DUI offender Nicole Richie snuck into the slammer. However, her “Life” in Lynwood lasted just over an hour.

According to the official website of the L.A Sheriff’s Department, Richie handed herself over to authorities at 3.15 p.m. PST Thursday. But due to over-crowding in the Lynwood Correctional Facility (where partying pal Paris Hilton also did time) Richie was released at 4.37 p.m.

The reality star was sentenced to four days in the dungeon after being busted driving down the wrong way on an L.A freeway while under the influence in December. She was also awarded one day of credit due to the six hours she spent behind bars following her arrest.
Good thing she didn't kill anybody or she might have had to stay overnight.

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