HolyCoast: All in All, We're a Pretty Happy Bunch
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

All in All, We're a Pretty Happy Bunch

To listen to the Dem candidates for president America has never been in a worse condition, which makes this poll pretty hard to reconcile with the Dem message:
August 15, 2007 -- A surprising 94 percent of Americans say they are satisfied with their lives - although far fewer in New York and other Eastern states think they're better off than they were five years ago, according to a new survey.

The Harris Poll of more than 1,000 people reported the overall "satisfaction" level, defined as people who said they were either very or somewhat satisfied with their lot, was up 4 percentage points, from 90 percent two years ago.

But only 42 percent of people in the Eastern U.S. said things had improved since 2002. By contrast, 60 percent of Southerners and 62 percent of Westerners said their lives had improved.

If the Dems keep promoting a message of doom and gloom, the public will turn them off because they know the message is false.

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