HolyCoast: Classless Media Question of the Day
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Monday, August 13, 2007

Classless Media Question of the Day

At the press conference formally announcing Karl Rove's departure from the White House, the CBS reporter Bill Plante decided to ask the classless question of the day:

As Karl Rove embraced President Bush today following an emotional farewell announcement on the South Lawn, the solemnity of the moment was shattered by Bill Plante of CBS, who bellowed to Bush: "If he's so smart, how come you lost Congress?"

Hey, Mr. CBS, just in case you didn't notice Rove was instramental in winning the Texas governor's race...twice, the presidency...twice, and engineered a devastating mid-term defeat for the Dems in 2002. Going 5 for 6 isn't bad.

Speaking of classless, Barack Obama chimed in with a smarmy statement trying to make some political hay out of Rove's departure:

"Karl Rove was an architect of a political strategy that has left the country more divided, the special interests more powerful, and the American people more shut out from their government than any time in memory. But to build a new kind of politics, it will take more than the departure of a man or even an Administration that constructed the old it will take a movement of everyday Americans committed to changing Washington and reclaiming their government."

And, from the Breck Girl:
“Goodbye, good riddance,” (John) Edwards said succinctly in a statement released Monday.

Is there even one Democrat or member of the press who's able to summon up enough class to compliment a worthy opponent who won far more political battles than he lost?

For Democrats, Rove's departure could easily be a nightmare. Not only do they lose their whipping boy, but now they've got a worse case scenerio - Karl Rove with lots of time on his hands.

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